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Selenium Web Driver Tutorial:- Locating elements & Filling a login form

Let’s Learn How To Use Web Driver To Fill A Login Form And Submit It In the previous lesson, we launched Firefox using Web Driver & opened a page, then closed the browser. That was nice for a starter, but we would want to do more than that with Selenium. We want to automate filling …

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How to download & resume file download using Java

Downloading A File In Java Is Easy, But How About Resuming The Download Once It Stopped? There are many ways to download a file using Java. Either using Java standard libraries, or using external ones. But there are times where we want to not only download the file, but to resume the download in case …

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How To Download The HTML Of Web Page Programmatically In Java

Let’s Take A Look At Multiple Methods Of Downloading The HTML Of A Page With Java There are many times you are developing a Java application, and then you had to download the HTML of a web page. This can happen in many situations, including web scraping projects. This can also be useful to use …

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Why Java isn’t a widely used language for games development?

Java Is A Fast Programming Language, So Why Is It Not Used For Games Development? Java is a very popular programming language, and it often dominates the most popular programming languages chart, or at least stays on the top of these charts. From a technical standpoint, Java doesn’t lack it when it comes to creating …

Why Java isn’t a widely used language for games development? Read More »

How to accept alert in Selenium tests in Java & Python

Here’s How To Accept & Wait For Alerts In Selenium In Java & Java Say you have created tests for all sorts of websites, but then one day, you were tasked with creating a test for a site that displays a Java Script alert? If you didn’t handle this alert, your test won’t work. Accepting …

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How to bring an application window to front without giving it focus in C#, and without using SetForegroundWindow()

Bringing A Window To Front Is Easily Possible, But The Common Solution Isn’t Satisfying This is an issue I encountered, but couldn’t find a satisfying solution for online. You have a Window of another application, and you want to bring it to front, but without that giving it focus at all. The common solution I …

How to bring an application window to front without giving it focus in C#, and without using SetForegroundWindow() Read More »